Liver or Kidney (Renal) Biopsy

What is a liver biopsy?

Percutaneous liver biopsies involve inserting a small needle into the liver through the skin and taking a sample of tissue from your liver to determine if there is any damage or disease present.

Why would I need this procedure?

Your Doctor may ask for this procedure to be performed because;

  • Of abnormal blood tests,
  • To estimate the degree of liver disease/damage,
  • To help determine the best treatment for liver disease/damage.

What can I expect from a liver biopsy procedure and how do I prepare beforehand?

Our fact sheet explains what to expect on the day. Find it here.

What is a renal biopsy?

A percutaneous renal biopsy involves inserting a small needle into the kidney through the skin and taking a sample of tissue from your kidney to determine if there is any damage or disease present.

Why would I need this procedure?

Your Doctor may ask for this renal biopsy procedure to be performed because you may be experiencing some or all of the following symptoms;

  • Blood in the urine (Haematuria),
  • Protein in the urine (Proteinuria),
  • Problems with kidney function.

What can I expect from a renal biopsy procedure and how do I prepare beforehand?

Our fact sheet explains what to expect on the day. Find it here.

Are percutaneous biopsies invasive?

Percutaneous biopsies are minimally invasive procedures performed in the day procedure unit. In most cases you will be discharged home the same day, but must have someone to collect you and stay with you overnight. You will be given a letter from the nurses with some discharge instructions and any other relevant information related to your procedure.

Author: Dr John Vrazas MB,BS FRANZCR

MIVIR Liver and Kidney Biopsy

Fact Sheet

Liver Biopsy Procedure Fact Sheet

Kidney Biopsy Procedure Fact Sheet

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